The expansion of perception is an eternal, endless journey. Whatever path you choose—meditation, observing nature, serving others, noticing and deeply appreciating the beautiful moments of life daily, creating beautiful art, music or poetry, striving towards healthy living, loving… The more your perception expands, the more exquisitely delicious your life becomes. Imagine that you have never…
Category: Uncategorized
That Feeling of Purring…
That feeling of purring… like a cat or like a dove. That feeling of wellbeing – it’s all we have to reach right now. Everything else will fall into place.
Silence is Golden: The Important Role of Non-Chattiness in My Massage Journeys
There’s a difference between a massage and a massage. A session can pass by with the massage therapist describing their life problems, and in the end, you feel more like a psychologist for them and never actually get to fully experience the massage. On the other hand, a deep massage session without too many…
About the Estonian Roots of Hawaiians
I recognized KaHuna bodywork as totally My Jam at first sight. The joie de vivre of the Southern Seas meets the contemplative depth of the Nordic soul, and what emerges feels completely natural. A surprise, however, came with the discovery of how many similar words exist between Estonian and Hawaiian! These two places could not be further from each…
How To Not Go Crazy
So, how do you keep your mental more or less in check when world around you has gone crazy? How to live so that the feelings of sadness and hopelessness that have crept into your heart would not linger too long and cast shadow over your beautiful life? So that, upon waking up in the…
Every Morning Health Boost!
One very simple thing you can do for your health and immunity is to drink, every morning as the first thing after brushing your teeth, 500 ml of lukewarm water with the juice of half a squeezed lemon. Don’t let the water get too hot, as the vitamins will start to deteriorate. Drinking lemon water should be…
New Years Ponderings & Life Goals…
Reduce your workload by 30% and increase your fun load by 30% and you will increase your revenues by 100%. And you will increase your productivity by 10,000%. More fun, less struggle – more results on all fronts. For starters, make an agreement with yourself to do something completely fun for 1 hour every week…