So, how do you keep your mental more or less in check when world around you has gone crazy? How to live so that the feelings of sadness and hopelessness that have crept into your heart would not linger too long and cast shadow over your beautiful life? So that, upon waking up in the morning, heaviness and worry for the fellow humans, would not set in?
Looking around me, I notice some previously socially active humans who now prefer solitude, filling their days with hobbies in order to stay mentally afloat after the emotional setbacks from the stress endured during the recent years. I see people who were speaking out on heated societal issues in recent years choosing silence now, because speaking out directly and honestly brought them a hideous backlash that has been difficult to endure and picking up their pieces takes time.
Engaging in a direct collision with the globalist machinery doesn’t seem like the best or most effective way to utilize your precious energy and magic.
The solution could be the same old trick that has always helped in situations that seem so large and complex that you don’t even know where to start seeking for the solutions: make it an absolute priority to elevate your vibe and emotions in the present moment. Step out of the victim role, take responsibility for how you feel in that moment and in every moment—entirely and solely for yourself. The only thing we ever have is the present moment; everything else is just a construct of your imagination. Train yourself to notice the frequency at which you are vibrating on in the present moment and how your current thoughts create your future reality, and then actively find ways to feel even better in the present moment, repeatedly reminding yourself that your mood is always and only your responsibiliy. Make this practice a habit, and the result will be a joyful and satisfying life.
The most effective tool for elevating oneself daily is a 20-minute meditation, ideally following your morning lemon water. Morning (before checking emails and messages!) is the best time for meditation since there are fewer distracting thoughts in the air. The effect of meditation is cumulative, becoming more powerful with each passing day. To those who claim, “I don’t have time to meditate,” I say, “You don’t have time NOT to meditate.” It’s worth waking up 20 minutes earlier for this.
Because someone who has worked on themselves and is connected with their power is more powerful than millions who aren’t. Their valves are open, and the resources of the universe are available.
Sometimes, an issue is just too big, ugly and overwhelming to be able to think more positive and hopeful thoughts about. Then it’s best to set that topic aside for a while and focus on something else. If thinking about that topic leads you to dig yourself into a hole, then you won’t be of any use to yourself or anyone else in that or any other area. If reaching at leas satisfaction today didn’t work, try again tomorrow, because when you wake up in the morning, it is always a fresh start (until digging yourself into a hole again), and everything is possible again!
There is no power in fighting against something or someone. Whatever you focus on becomes bigger and gains power. Superhuman power is with you when you work towards a a good cause or a dream, instead of struggling against something.
Life has shown me that this system works better than anything else. Solutions to problems that initially seemed insurmountable come from unexpected directions, rushing in with surprisingly powerful streams.
Engage in activity that brings you fully into the present moment – whether it’s the sound of waves, lovemaking, singing from the depths of your soul, playing with children, dancing, rock climbing, gardening, wandering in the woods—whatever your favorite activity is that brings you into the state of presence. It is serving the same purpose as meditation – clearing your mind and bringing in the power and inspiration.
An even more effective magic tool than meditation is genuine appreciation. At times, during a day, I find my lips saying “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” for the blessings received throughout the day.
Also appreciating the challenges we face here, as they prevent me from becoming lazy and complacent, providing constant training opportunities to grow and strengthen our mental resilience. That, in turn, brings the capacity to live more moments of joy in this One Precious Life.