There’s a difference between a massage and a massage. A session can pass by with the massage therapist describing their life problems, and in the end, you feel more like a psychologist for them and never actually get to fully experience the massage. On the other hand, a deep massage session without too many words, with carefully chosen music in the background and thanks to the presence of both parties, can become an unforgettable, even life-changing experience.
I always encourage my clients to let go of daily thoughts and bring their awareness to the present moment, using the feeling of touch during the massage as a vehicle. This present moment – lying on the massage table – is a pretty pleasant reality after all and is worth noticing as deeply as possible, thus giving your monkey-mind that is usually jumping from topic to topic, a well-deserved rest.
Attention is the most valuable gift we can give to another being, living or non-living. It’s even more powerful, precious, and healing than presence itself. So, enjoy your therapist’s dedication and healing attention with every cell of your body!
I often thank my fate for bringing me to this most ancient of all the healing arts decades ago while surfing on the waves of life, and for the fact that visiting this dreamlike dimension and deep peace has now become part of my everyday life.