A very unique, energetically dynamic massage, a deeply therapeutic treatment that relaxes yourmind, body and soul, bringing balance and harmony between them.
Practitioner uses their hands and forearms in long flowing strokes along and under the whole body and can apply both soft and deep tissue massage. Music, draping and cleansing rituals are used to enhance the effects of this very healing massage.
Many amazing effects of KaHuna massage include:
- flushes out toxins
- strengthens the immune system
- treats the lymphatic system
- improves circulation and sleep
- helps to overcome grief, stress, loneliness, anxiety and emotional distress
- slowing you down
- instills a calming sense of peace and deep relaxation
- re-energizing; rejuvenating
- can assist with reducing and removing body pain
- helping to let go of old stories and baggage and create new positive thougght patterns
- brings clarity; confidence, joy, open-heartedness and trust
- more love, happiness, balance
- generates an overall sense of well-being, vitality and empowerment
- a stronger connection with family and friends
Every time you have KaHuna bodywork, you will experience something different. You may float in and out of the three layers of physical, emotional and spiritual. Your body will relax, you may unlock blocked emotions and you may witness colours, experience energy shifts, release past memories, connect to your soul more or receive messages. Whatever happens during your session is completely perfect.